November 2, 2016

National Survey into Career Development Services in Australian Schools

The Career Industry Council of Australia (CICA) welcomes your participation in this important survey into career development services in Australian schools.

CICA is the National Peak Body for the Career Industry and advocates the benefits of quality career development in schools and the need for schools to provide and appropriately resource professional career development practitioners.

In 2014, CICA conducted the first National survey into career development services in schools with over 1000 responses being received. The information collected from the survey was analysed by The McCrindle Group and two infographics were produced.

A Snapshot of Career Practitioners in Australia

The Role of Career Practitioners in our Schools

In May 2016 under the Quality Schools, Quality Outcomes policy the Australian Government committed $3 million for a new and contemporary National Career Education Strategy aimed at ensuring students are ‘work ready’ and prepared for life beyond school, including the jobs of today and into the future. The strategy will build on existing career education activity and be developed in collaboration with schools, employers and industry, career practitioners and parents.

CICA has been invited to participate in a National roundtable discussion with the Government and will be an active participant in working with the Australian Government in the design and development of the National Career Education Strategy.

When advocating on behalf of those working in schools that are responsible for the provision and delivery of career education and career services, it is important that CICA can highlight current and up to date information that is relevant to stakeholders and decision makers.

Your responses to this survey will enable us to do that more effectively as we seek to gain an updated national profile of career education and career services in schools and the related activities and resourcing. The survey will take no more than 10 minutes to complete.

To complete the survey please click here 

I look forward to your participation in this vital piece of research that supports your role and that of career development in Australian schools.


Martin Smith

CICA President

1 November 2016