
July 30, 2018

Connecting the worlds of learning and work Prioritising school-industry partnerships in Australia’s education system

This report addresses a collective challenge for education and employers: ensuring that all young people in Australia develop the skills and capabilities that will enable them to succeed in the future of work. In recent years, there has been a growing consensus that partnerships between schools and industry are a highly effective way to connect […]

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July 9, 2018

Employability in a Global Context: Evolving Policy and Practice in Employability, Work Integrated Learning, and Career Development Learning

University graduates need to be quick-thinking, adaptable and innovative workers who possess the skills to navigate an increasingly competitive and constantly evolving workforce (Hagel et al. 2014). These factors require many graduates to construct their careers by putting together multiple, overlapping roles, acquiring new knowledge on demand, and positioning themselves within their own country and […]

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July 4, 2018

WORKING IT OUT: Career Guidance and Employer Engagement – OECD Education Working Paper No. 175

Career and education decisions are amongst the most important young people make. Gender, ethnicity and socio-economic factors all strongly affect these choices. Career guidance is both an individual and a social good: it helps individuals to progress in their learning and work, but it also helps the effective functioning of the labour and learning markets, […]

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June 13, 2018

Unique Individuals, Broad Skills: Inquiry into School to Work Transition

On Wednesday 31 May 2017 the Committee adopted an inquiry referred by the Minister for Employment, Education and Training, Senator the Hon Simon Birmingham, asking the Committee to inquire into and report on how students are supported from school to work. The inquiry looked at ways to ensure students are supported from school to work by measuring […]

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June 8, 2018

Release of the Final Report – Improving retention, completion and success in higher education

Minister for Education and Training, Senator the Hon Simon Birmingham has released the Higher Education Standards Panel’s Final report: Improving retention, completion and success in higher education. The report makes 18 recommendations for Australia’s higher education community to help ensure students have the best chance of successfully completing their studies and transitioning into the workforce.  […]

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