January 28, 2020Department releases new Employment Outlook to May 2024
Each year, the Department of Employment, Skills, Small and Family Business produces employment projections by industry, occupation, skill level and region for the following five-year period. These employment projections are designed to provide a guide to the future direction of the labour market, however, like all such exercises, they are subject to an inherent degree […]
January 22, 2020
Disconnected: Career aspirations and jobs in the UK
A major new report reveals a disconnect between young people’s career aspirations and jobs in the UK, whether current vacancies or projected demand. This report is based on an international survey of over 8,500 people aged 14-18. There were over 7,000 responses from young people in the UK and this report focuses on their responses. Key […]
Teenagers’ career expectations narrowing to limited range of jobs, OECD PISA report finds
Huge changes to the world of work over the past two decades have made little impact on teenagers’ career expectations, which have become more concentrated in fewer occupations, according to a new OECD report. Dream jobs: Teenagers’ career aspirations and the future of work says 47% of boys and 53 % of girls surveyed in 41 […]
January 11, 2020
Cedefop and international organisations share vision of career guidance’s strategic role
Cedefop, together with the European Commission, ETF, OECD, ILO and UNESCO have released a shared vision of the strategic role of career guidance in enabling learning and labour market integration. In a new booklet they shed light on what career guidance provides to learners, workers and jobseekers. The booklet highlights the key role guidance plays in […]
December 8, 2019
Technology and the Future of Australian Jobs. What will be the impact of AI on workers in every sector?
The recent pace of technological advancement is unprecedented. Australia is in the midst of a major economic, social and political transition driven by global competition and rapidly expanding digital platforms and technological innovation. Automation, Artificial Intelligence (AI), and the Internet of Things (IoT) is having an impact almost everywhere, in all industries, jobs and everyday […]