Australian Jobs 2016
In 2016, the Australian labour market is markedly different from that experienced by workers in past decades.
The Australian Jobs publication presents an overview of the current labour market and highlights the major changes which have occurred, including for industries and occupations. It is designed to meet the needs of a range of users, such as people exploring careers, those supporting people into employment and students who want a better understanding of the labour market. The report is based largely on Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) figures but also uses data from other Government and related agencies.
Employment and training decisions should be made after consideration of all relevant issues, including aptitude, interests, expectations about pay and working conditions, training requirements and goals.
The Occupation Matrix includes summary statistical information for around 350 occupations, which can provide useful background, but it needs to be read in conjunction with other occupational resources. Titles in the Occupation Matrix have been grouped into broad categories based on field of work to assist users to better explore the labour market.
Australian Jobs Occupation Matrix 2016