June 21, 2022Strengthening Career Guidance for Mid-Career Adults in Australia – OECD release new report
In a rapidly changing world of work, adults in Australia are being challenged to upskill, retrain and consider alternative career paths. Mid-career adults are in a unique position: they have acquired considerable skills and work experience but still have many years left in the labour market before retirement. They thus may need help to build […]
May 30, 2022
Meet the Future: How employers gain from helping young people get career ready
With OECD data showing that 40% of students plan to work in jobs at high risk of total or partial automation over the next decade, the OECD says employers gain by working with schools on students’ career guidance. To reduce labour market mismatch, the OECD’s new report Meet the Future: How employers gain from […]
May 12, 2022
Journal of the National Institute for Career Education and Counselling now freely available
The Journal of the National Institute for Career Education and Counselling (also known as The NICEC Journal) is now freely available on an open-access basis. It is possible to search and access the back catalogue of 48 issues from the year 2000 to 2022, and any future issues. No log details or subscriptions are required […]
April 21, 2022
You Can’t Be What You Can’t See. Careers Education in Secondary Schools
Careers education in schools has a vital role in providing information and advice to young people about their education, training and work options. Unfortunately, among the young people the National Youth Commission Australia spoke to, few had positive experiences of their careers education. On the other hand, the Commission heard numerous stories of effective careers […]
April 7, 2022
ILO – Inventory of digital career guidance tools
This inventory of digital career guidance tools was first conceived to showcase examples of tools aimed a supporting career development processes of youth and adults, and complements the ILO Policy guidance note on digitalising career guidance services. It contains 25 exemplary practices, which do not exhaust the range of available digital services but provide insight […]