October 23, 2022

New version of the Australian Blueprint for Career Development (the Blueprint) released

After more than a decade of use since its first publication, a review of the Blueprint was commissioned in 2021 by the National Careers Institute and undertaken by the Career Industry Council of Australia.

The aim of the review was to determine the current usage and effectiveness of the Blueprint and to make recommendations for its revision. The findings of the review revealed widespread support for the Blueprint because it provided a useful framework to underpin career development work and recommended a ‘refresh’ of the Blueprint that would “retain and refine, but not substantially change” it.

This second edition of the Blueprint reflects the implementation of the review.

At its core, the Blueprint identifies the knowledge, skills, and attitudes that an individual needs to make sound choices and effectively manage their own career. In the Blueprint, these are referred to as career management competencies.

The Blueprint recognises that:

a) life, learning, and work are interconnected elements of a career,

b) career development is a lifelong process,

c) people’s careers develop through various phases across their lifespan,

d) people require a range of competencies to manage their careers,

e) career development competencies may be learned, and

f) career development practitioners and other support people can assist individuals in developing the competencies they need to manage their careers.


The Blueprint is available to download by visiting the Your Career website – click here


Professional Learning

The National Careers Institute has commissioned the Career Industry Council of Australia (CICA) to deliver a suite of professional learning sessions on the new version of the Blueprint.

These sessions are being planned for February – April 2023 and will be for new users and experienced users of the Blueprint.


Orientation to the Blueprint

These 30-minute online webinars are designed for new users of the Blueprint.


The Blueprint Masterclass

These 120 minutes in person workshops are designed for intermediate/advanced users of the Blueprint, including those responsible for designing, implementing, or reviewing programs, services and products that facilitate the career development of individuals.

The workshops will be held face-to-face in each capital city.

An online workshop will be held for those located in regional, rural, or remote locations.


To be kept up to date on all the professional learning opportunities, please click here or use the QR code below.