
April 21, 2022

You Can’t Be What You Can’t See. Careers Education in Secondary Schools

Careers education in schools has a vital role in providing information and advice to young people about their education, training and work options. Unfortunately, among the young people the National Youth Commission Australia spoke to, few had positive experiences of their careers education. On the other hand, the Commission heard numerous stories of effective careers […]

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April 7, 2022

ILO – Inventory of digital career guidance tools

This inventory of digital career guidance tools was first conceived to showcase examples of tools aimed a supporting career development processes of youth and adults, and complements the ILO Policy guidance note on digitalising career guidance services. It contains 25 exemplary practices, which do not exhaust the range of available digital services but provide insight […]

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ILO – Policy guidance note: Digitalising career guidance services

This policy guidance note provides advice to decision makers, managers and technical staff on how to invest in digitalising career guidance services There is a need to rationalise decisions on investment in digital tools for career guidance so that they are useful and address the needs of beneficiaries and clients. Their choice and design should […]

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March 23, 2022

Towards European standards for monitoring and evaluation of lifelong guidance systems and services (Vol. I)

This publication brings together the results of a call for papers on monitoring and evaluating career guidance systems and services, adopting the perspective of career development support to careers and learning. Experts were invited to provide insights into the current situation, with a focus on the methodological options available for monitoring and evaluating adult career […]

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February 8, 2022

A Review of National Career Development Support Systems – Armenia, Moldova, Panama and Viet Nam

Among international organisations, there is a consensus that career guidance and career development have an essential role in meeting the changing character of skills demand for skills in labour markets around the world. As part of the recovery, career guidance and career development can enhance re-employment and longer-term labour market engagement by supporting individuals in […]

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