
May 28, 2016

Why The Need for High Quality Career Information

CICA Executive Director, David Carney, presented at The Good Careers Guide launch on the challenges facing the career education sector and why it’s now more important than ever for high-quality, accessible information to be made available to young people in order to make informed decisions and prepare them to take advantage of a transitioning economy. […]

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May 18, 2016

Good Careers Guide Launched

For over 16 years, the Federal Government’s Job Guide publication was the number on career education resources in Australia, much loved by students, parents and career advisors alike. Job Guide was published for the last time in 2015 due to the termination of government funding, as announced in the 2014–15 Federal Budget. The Good Education […]

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May 2, 2016

CICA Welcomes the Announcement of a New National Career Education Strategy

The Career Industry Council of Australia has welcomed the announcement that the Turnbull Government will as part of its education quality reforms; improve career advice provided to students by working to develop a new National Career Education Strategy. David Carney, Executive Director of the Career Industry Council of Australia said, ‘as the Australian economy evolves […]

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April 29, 2016

Government Releases VET FEE Help Discussion Paper

This discussion paper seeks to promote public discussion and inform the redesign of the VET FEE-HELP scheme. Senator the Hon Scott Ryan Minister for Vocational Education and Skills seeks feedback on the ideas presented in the paper which includes a series of questions to guide stakeholders in providing comment. Submissions will be treated in-confidence and […]

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April 21, 2016

Consultation on the transparency of higher education admissions process

Senator the Hon Simon Birmingham, Minister for Education and Training, has asked the Higher Education Standards Panel to advise him on options for improving the transparency of higher education admissions processes. I am writing to invite CICA’s input to the Panel’s consideration of these matters. The Panel will hold a public consultation on admissions transparency […]

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