March 9, 2017The future of Australian apprenticeships: report of the stakeholder forum
The future of Australian apprenticeships stakeholder forum was hosted by the National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER) in conjunction with the Australian Government Department of Education and Training in Canberra on 25 October, 2016
March 7, 2017
Career Guidance, School Experiences and the University Participation of Young People from Equity Groups
New research puts a spotlight on the value of school-based early interventions to increase university enrolments for students from low socioeconomic backgrounds. Two important school factors, the provision of career advice and positive school experiences, are shown to increase the likelihood that students from disadvantaged backgrounds will attend university. But not all career advice is equal.
February 28, 2017
What is happening in Norway?
Norwegian society will face many significant challenges in the coming years. Access to high-quality career guidance services is crucial in times when change is necessary and transitions are ongoing Most people will have to make multiple educational and career choices in the course of their lives. Career guidance has an impact for the individual in […]
A future that works: automation, employment, and productivity
Automation is happening, and it will bring substantial benefits to businesses and economies worldwide, but it won’t arrive overnight. A new McKinsey Global Institute report finds realizing automation’s full potential requires people and technology to work hand in hand.
February 3, 2017
Research into the non-technical capabilities needed for successful participation in work and further study
To support the implementation of the Australian Government’s Preparing Secondary Students for Work framework, Ithaca Group researched the non-technical capabilities required by young people to transition to further education and work. The reports Everybody’s Core Business – Research into the non-technical capabilities needed for successful participation in work and further study and the supporting literature review, Everybody’s Core Business […]