
October 16, 2017

Help Improve the Information Provided to Students

The Australian Government Department of Human Services delivers a range of health, social and welfare payments and services through the Centrelink, Medicare and Child Support programs. As a trusted information source for students, they’re seeking feedback on your information needs. Complete the student communication survey to advise: common questions you get from students about the […]

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October 12, 2017

Beyond School: Study Guide Released

The Department of Education and Training (DET) has produced the Beyond School Study Guide  – the Guide is a digital resource for year 10-12 students providing information about Australian Government assistance so they are able to make informed choices about their future studies. There are 9 resources included: Three tertiary education explainer infographics: Higher education or […]

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October 11, 2017

Research finds it’s not too early to think about career development for young children

Every child dreams about what they will be when they grow up, but career development in childhood is often downplayed. A new set of CERIC-funded resources seeks to address this. The Early Years: Career Development for Young Children – a Guide for Educators and a Guide for Parents/Guardians – are the result of Memorial University research […]

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August 14, 2017

New Australian Apprenticeship Pathways Website launching soon!

The Australian The Australian Apprenticeships and Traineeships Information Service (AATIS) has a new AAPathways website! FREE interactive face-to-face sessions are now scheduled to demonstrate the improvements and functionalities of the new-look AAPathways website, launching on the 31st of August! Areas of the website that will be reviewed are: Site search Job and Training Descriptions Field […]

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August 1, 2017

Year 13 Release Research Report

Year13 is Australia’s largest and most influential digital platform for high school leavers. It has achieved this mark by combining engaging content with an extensive variety of employment, education and travel-related opportunities for 15-25-year-old youth

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