
November 30, 2017

Social media in VET courses: good practice guide

This good practice guide explores the types of social media being used in vocational education and training (VET) courses, the benefits and pitfalls of using social media in teaching and learning as well as tips for incorporating social media into VET courses. This guide is based on the report ‘Social media and student outcomes: teacher, […]

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October 26, 2017

Choosing VET: Aspirations, Intentions and Choice

This summary brings together the fndings from two research projects: Choosing VET: investigating the VET aspirations of school students and In their words:student choice in training markets — Victorian examples. The research investigated school students’’ post-school aspirations for vocational education and training (VET), the drivers infuencing their thinking and behaviour, and awareness of vocational training options and career pathways,  as […]

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Career and Skills Pathways

Australia needs to transition to a career support model that works for all people, no matter what their life stage and circumstance. Given the accelerating pace of change, the longer we take to act, the more Australians will fall behind.

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Hard Focus on Soft Skills

The term ‘soft skills’’ has been applied to many  of the competencies now being prioritised by countries in their curriculum reform and/or redesign agendas. This term, often used to profle the capabilities of employees and also given prominence in recruitment processes, refers to skills and dispositions, many of which have also been described as 21st century skills. These skills are no longer seen as […]

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October 19, 2017

Jobs Availability Report 2017 released by Anglicare

Anglicare Australia’s Jobs Availability Snapshot (JJAS) shines a spotlight on what the job market is really like for those facing the greatest barriers to work – for example people who may not have qualifcations or experience to draw on those trying to re-enter the workforce after a long break or those living in regional or remote areas. The Snapshot tells […]

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