March 26, 2018Crunching the number: Exploring the use and usefulness of the Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR)
The Mitchell Institute’s work has explored many aspects of education policy in Australia, always with a view to creating a more integrated system that better meets the needs of the individual learner, as well as the nation as a whole. They do this by approaching education as a continuum – from early years to adulthood – and […]
March 22, 2018
What the future of work will mean for jobs, skills, and wages
In an era marked by rapid advances in automation and artificial intelligence, new research assesses the jobs lost and jobs gained under different scenarios through 2030. The technology-driven world in which we live is a world filled with promise but also challenges. Cars that drive themselves, machines that read X-rays, and algorithms that respond to […]
March 16, 2018
The evidence base for careers websites. What works?
There is some evidence which suggests that using career websites as part of broader careers education provision can impact positively on young people’s career readiness and the quality and diversity of their social networks for careers purposes. The evidence points to a number of findings which can be turned into lessons for practice. Information-based career websites […]
January 23, 2018
Towards a Reskilling Revolution: A Future of Jobs for All
As the types of skills needed in the labour market change rapidly, individual workers will have to engage in life-long learning if they are to remain not just employable but are to achieve fulfilling and rewarding careers that allow them to maximize their employment opportunities. For companies, reskilling and upskilling strategies will be critical if […]
Eight Futures of Work Scenarios and their Implications
The world of work is undergoing a period of dramatic change. As automation, primarily in the form of robotics, artificial intelligence and other new technologies, are developing at an unprecedented rate, and are having a significant impact on multiple industries, they are leading to wide-ranging changes to the jobs, tasks and skills required within each […]