
June 5, 2018

Mitchell Institute Report – More People are Required to Participate in VET

Since World War 2, successive Commonwealth and state governments have recognised that a well-educated population is essential to Australia’s economic and social wellbeing, and have put in place policies, systems and institutions to raise levels of participation in education at all levels.  Eighty-five per cent of young people now complete a full secondary education, and […]

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Labour Market for Apprentices Report

Check out the latest labour market for Apprentices Report 2017, published by the Department of Jobs and Small Business. Find all the information you need to know about apprenticeship vacancies, recruitment methods and employer expectations. Labour Market for Apprentices 2017_2

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May 13, 2018

The 15-24 Learner Journey Review in Scotland – Final Report

The Scotish Government last week released the final report into the review of the 15-24 Learner Journey. The 15 to 24 Learner Journey Review was set up in 2016 to consider the journey from the senior years of school leading to employment, including further and higher education, vocational training and apprenticeships. It focused on five […]

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May 4, 2018

Can the universities of today lead learning for tomorrow?

Does higher education need a new paradigm to serve Australia’s needs in the Transformative Age? Imagine closing your eyes and waking up on 1 January 2030. The world has nine billion people. Humankind has landed on Mars. Intelligent robots work alongside people, cars are self-driving, energy is abundant and clean. Plus, the world’s new largest […]

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May 2, 2018

Australian Jobs 2018 Released

Australian Jobs is one of the country’s foremost jobs publications. It provides an easy-to-read overview of industry and occupation trends in the labour market and is designed to meet the needs of students, career advisers, people looking for work and those involved in the national employment service, jobactive. This year’s edition has identified four key […]

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