November 2, 2018

2018 Beyond School Study Guide

The Student Information and Services team are excited to share the 2018 Beyond School Study Guide. The Guide has been developed as a resource to assist year 10-12 students to figure out what type of study they can undertake to achieve their career goals and what financial assistance they can access on the way.

The Department recognises that the next step after finishing high school is a big one for students, and we know it is important that we help build student confidence in making informed decisions when enrolling into further study. It is also important that students know their obligations when applying for financial support and are familiar with the support services available to them. Our aim in this year’s Guide is to convey the information in a clear, eye-catching and easy to understand format to ensure our message gets across.

What’s new?

Four new fact sheets have been added to the Guide:

2018 Beyond School Study Guide