Scotland’s careers strategy: moving forward
This strategy was initiated by the Scottish Government to ensure the continuous improvement of career guidance services by enabling the closer communication and co-operation of all those individuals and organisations providing career education, information, advice and guidance services to the people of Scotland. The Scottish Government is committed to ensuring that the Scottish careers system contributes towards and supports the purpose, values and national outcomes set out in the Scottish Government’s National Performance Framework.
This Strategy highlights the important role that career education, information, advice and guidance (CIAG) services in Scotland can play in helping to address future skills demands and deliver inclusive growth.
While Scotland has a national careers service delivered through Skills Development Scotland, the Strategy sets out how career services are also delivered by a number of other partners in a variety of settings. As a collective, they are regarded as the ‘careers system’. The vision for Scotland’s careers system is:
For a world-class, professionally-led, aligned and flexible system of CIAG services which delivers for every citizen, regardless of where they live in Scotland, their age or circumstance. A system through which citizens can expect a high standard of support that meets their needs when they need it most, a system that is fully interconnected to ensure citizens access the right people and services which includes employability and skills support.
To make the most of these services and resources, the Strategy sets out the need to co-ordinate our approach and highlights the following range of key enablers: data sharing and usage; alignment in services including digital technology; and developing stronger links and referral into and across the careers system to provide a seamless learner journey.
To meet Scotland’s vision for an enhanced careers system, the Strategy highlights the following overarching aims and principles:
- a national model for career education, information, advice and guidance services with shared principles adopted across education, training and employability services for young people and adults;
- a focus on strengthening collaborative partnerships and working more closely with target groups to co-create more CIAG designed to meet the needs of young people and adults;
- a sharing of knowledge and expertise in professional development for the CIAG workforce, quality assurance, and improved outcomes;
- a pan-sectoral leadership body focused on all-age CIAG provision and continuous improvement.