Career Practitioners

Professional Standards


Endorsed Courses


The Register


Professional Standards

Professional Standards for Australian Career Development Practitioners   The Career Industry Council of Australia (CICA), supported by the Australian Government, developed and published the Professional Standards for Australian Career Development Practitioners. The publication of the Professional Standards represents a landmark in the history of Australian career development and a benchmark for career development practitioners. The Professional Standards:

  • Define the career industry, its membership and its services;
  • Recognise the diverse skills and knowledge of career practitioners;
  • Guide practitioner entry into the industry;
  • Provide a foundation for designing career practitioner training;
  • Provide quality assurance to the public and other stakeholders;
  • Establish a benchmark against which career practitioners can be assessed, evaluated and judged by their peers and by others;
  • Require career practitioners to undertake continuing professional development;
  • Create an agreed terminology for the industry.



Endorsed Courses

The Career Industry Council of Australia (CICA) has thoroughly reviewed the program proposals submitted by various universities and training providers, as detailed below.

In endorsing these programs, CICA has requested that each university and training provider collaborate with the CICA Endorsement Committee to enhance and integrate the core competency framework of the Professional Standards for Australian Career Development Practitioners into their programs.

CICA commends the universities and training providers for their contribution to improving the quality of career services in Australia by conducting programs that meet the Professional Standards for Australian Career Development Practitioners.

Program endorsement is for three years for the Graduate Certificate or higher and two years for the Certificate IV in Career Development.

Endorsed until August 2025
  • Graduate Certificate in Education (Career Development and Counselling)
  • Master of Education (Career Development and Counselling Specialisation)
Endorsed until October 2026
  • Graduate Certificate of Career Development
  • Master of Education (Career Development)
Endorsed until November 2025
  • Graduate Certificate in Careers Education and Development
Endorsed until November 2026
  • Graduate Certificate in Career Development Practice - July 2026
  • Certificate IV in Career Development - November 2026
Endorsed Until March 2027
  • Graduate Certificate of Education (GCEF) Career Development
Endorsed until August 2026
  • Specialist Diploma in Career Counselling
Endorsed until April 2026
  • Graduate Certificate in Career Development Practice

Professional career development practitioners may hold postgraduate qualifications from universities that previously offered approved programs that are no longer available. They may have obtained their qualifications before the establishment of the Professional Standards for Australian Career Development Practitioners and the CICA Program Endorsement.

CICA strongly recommends that schools intending to train staff for career development roles should enrol them in a Graduate Certificate in Career Development or higher qualification to ensure they are recognized as professionals.

Please click here for the complete list of current and previously endorsed programs.


The Register

The Australian Register of Professional Career Development Practitioners (the Register) is the single national point of reference for ensuring and promoting professional career development practitioners across the whole industry in Australia and is a further step in the professionalisation of the industry.

CICA, as the National Peak Body, is responsible for developing and promulgating the Professional Standards for Australian Career Development Practitioners and leads the industry to ensure a commonly understood appropriate standard of education, training and continuing professional development for career development practitioners is maintained.

Individuals wishing to apply to join the Register will require a CICA endorsed Graduate Certificate in Career Development or higher, or an equivalent career development specific qualification, and be a Professional Member of a CICA Member Association.

Equivalent career development specific qualifications refer to completed qualifications prior to the implementation of the Professional Standards for Australian Career Development Practitioners and CICA Program Endorsement.

All current and graduates of CICA endorsed programs including those previously endorsed will be eligible to meet the requirements to join the Register.