December 17, 2015Mission Australia Youth Survey 2015
Young people are the future of Australia. As a society and as individuals, we must do everything we can to nurture their ambitions and support them to achieve their potential. Now in its 14th year, Mission Australia’s Youth Survey provides a unique window into the lives of young Australians. The biggest survey of its type in […]
Young people in education and training 2014
A summary of statistics relating to young Australians aged 15 to 19 years who participated in an education and training activity during 2014 is provided in this publication. Information on participation is presented for school students, higher education students, apprentices and trainees, and vocational education and training (VET) students. Young People in Education and […]
December 3, 2015
Graduates have their say on Australia’s training system
Australia’s major student survey for rating the government-funded vocational education and training (VET) system shows 74.2% of graduates are employed after training, with those employed full-time earning on average $56 900 per year. Published by the National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER), Government–funded student outcomes 2015 presents the results of the annual national Student Outcomes Survey. […]
November 24, 2015
National Skills Week 2016 dates announced!
National Skills Week continues to attract overwhelming support following a survey of stakeholders who confirmed the importance of having a dedicated week to highlight VET, Industry trends and the link between training and jobs. Every year since its inception in 2011, National Skills Week has recognised, celebrated and informed students and the wider public […]
November 18, 2015
Helping displaced older workers get back into employment
Restructuring in the Australian manufacturing industry has resulted in many Australians being displaced from their jobs. This particularly impacts older, lower-skilled workers. Involving an extensive review of past research and case studies in four states, this research identifies practices that can assist with the successful skills transfer, re-skilling and the attainment of new jobs by displaced older workers in the manufacturing industry.