
September 17, 2018

Uni degrees losing worth in jobs market find Grattan Institute report

A university degree is less likely to be a ticket to a well-paid job, according to a report. Compiled by the independent Grattan Institute, the report shows young graduates are getting less financial benefit from their degrees than in the past. Commerce and science graduates were among the worst affected, though female graduates were less […]

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September 16, 2018

Feedback Request to Improve Skill Shortages Research

The Labour Market Research and Analysis branch of the Department of Jobs and Small Business produces the Job Outlook website and the Australian Jobs publication. They also run a Skill Shortages research program that may be of interest to career practitioners. The Branch is undertaking a review of this research and is particularly interested in career […]

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August 24, 2018

Inquiry into career advice activities in Victorian schools

Secondary school is a time when students have to make important decisions about their future direction. They need the skills, knowledge and confidence to choose between further education, training or employment and the capacity to modify their direction as needed throughout their professional life. This Inquiry considered how well Victorian schools are preparing students to […]

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August 9, 2018

2018 Review of the Professional Standards for Australian Career Development Practitioners

The Professional Standards for Australian Career Development Practitioners came into effect on 1 January 2012 and heralded an important milestone for the career industry in Australia. The introduction of the Professional Standards was a significant step forward in professionalizing the industry and providing confidence to stakeholders for the delivery of career services.  In developing the […]

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July 30, 2018

Introducing primary children to the world of work

In the UK Career Strategy: making the most of everyone’s skills and talent published by the Department for Education in December 2017, there was an acknowledgment of the role of primary schools in introducingchildren to the world of work and the government’s plan to test and fund career activities that works. This is an important […]

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