
October 26, 2023

CICA joins the call for Careers for Net Zero

  The necessity of government action to support Australia’s workforce development and emissions reduction goals in a joint statement released on October 26, 2023. The goals are to reach net-zero emissions by 2050 and a reduction of 43% in emissions by 2030. This initiative, called “Careers for Net Zero,” is supported by a coalition of […]

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October 4, 2023

The Clean Energy Generation

  The Australian Government commissioned Jobs and Skills Australia to undertake a capacity study on the workforce needs for Australia’s transition to a clean energy economy. This study provides critical evidence and insights to support the workforce planning, policy development and program design needed to build a strong and vibrant clean energy sector. The study’s […]

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Towards a National Jobs and Skills Roadmap

This inaugural Jobs and Skills Report 2023 provides an initial assessment of the national skills system and Australia’s current, emerging, and future skills needs. The analysis in the Report provides a strong evidentiary foundation for a national jobs and skills roadmap to be developed over the coming year and beyond. This will be done in […]

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August 25, 2023

The ILO strategy on skills and lifelong learning 2030

The ILO Skills and Lifelong Learning Strategy represents an important commitment and lays down a solid framework for cooperation with governments, workers and employers’ representatives to develop LLL in all corners of the globe. The ILO strategy on skills and lifelong learning 2030 Geneva International Labour Office 2023

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Global Careers Month. Challenges, opportunities and priorities

The Global Careers Month (GCM) was organised between 8 November and 13 December 2022 under the steer of the Inter-Agency Working Group on Career Guidance (IAG WGCG), in cooperation with professional associations and practitioner led private organisations operating in the field of career development. The month consisted of a series of initiatives and events promoted […]

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