September 24, 2021Australian Jobs 2021
Australian Jobs, produced annually by the National Skills Commission, is an easy-to-read overview of the Australian labour market and an important resource for students, career advisers and those looking for work. The publication functions as a single source of information on industries, occupations and local labour markets, and provides guidance about the skills employers need, […]
August 31, 2021
Australian Blueprint for Career Development – We Heard You!
The Career Industry Council of Australia (CICA) was commissioned to undertake research, analysis and stakeholder consultation to determine the current usage and effectiveness of the Australian Blueprint for Career Development (the Blueprint), particularly in the context of increasing digital delivery of career guidance in Australia. A high level summary of what we heard you say […]
August 13, 2021
Getting the most out of employer engagement in career guidance
Employer engagement is fundamental to career guidance. Research studies shows that school activities like career talks and workplace visits that involve people from workplaces are often linked with better employment outcomes. Many young people though have limited opportunity to engage with employers and people in work while still in school. This policy brief draws on […]
How schools can help students in the competition for employment after education
While young people are leaving education more qualified than ever before, in many countries they are struggling to compete for jobs in the labour market. Compared to older workers, young people tend to have less work experience, fewer useful contacts and less know-how about how to get a job. Young people face additional challenges in […]
July 30, 2021
Global framework on core skills for life and work in the 21st century
The new International Labour Organization global framework reflects the ongoing transformations and the emerging opportunities in the world of work. The global framework on core skills for life and work in the 21st century contributes to ILO’s efforts in promoting personal and professional development for all, through lifelong learning. A thorough literature review of international […]