October 12, 2017
Beyond School: Study Guide Released
The Department of Education and Training (DET) has produced the Beyond School Study Guide – the Guide is a digital resource for year 10-12 students providing information about Australian Government assistance so they are able to make informed choices about their future studies. There are 9 resources included:
- Three tertiary education explainer infographics:
- Higher education or VET? – Provides information about each sector so that students can understand what type/level of qualification they may need to get to the career they want.
- Pathways to university – Provides examples of ways that students can access higher education (e.g. bridging course; VET/sub-bachelor studies; ATAR; principal recommendation scheme) and points them to apply for uni via their relevant TAC.
- Choose your own higher education adventure – A flow chart for higher education students to select options that apply to them and find which HELP loan is most suitable for their study choices
- One HELP loan comparison ‘cheat sheet’ – a table to compare each different loan and provide information about when a student might access each one.
- Five fact sheets – one for each of the four HELP loan schemes (HECS-HELP, FEE-HELP, OS-HELP, SA-HELP) and one for the VET Student Loans program, that provide basic information about each.